Another Chinese Recipe for Curing Diabetes [English Translation follows]

糖尿病目前沒有特殊治療方法, 也不能根治. 西醫治療方法是控制飲食和服用降糖藥或者注射胰島素, 要養成良好的飲食生活習 慣,适當體力活動。過度肥胖者應适當限制飲食, 使體重減至正常范圍.不要暴食, 避免各種誘發因素。

網上最近盛傳民間有一藥方﹐可以醫治糖尿病。並稱﹕“糖尿病一劑治好﹐輕者一 劑見效,一個月康复,重者兩劑見效,永不复發。”


蓮子一兩,芡實一兩,石榴皮一兩,大黑棗5個, 豬瘦肉2兩(吃素者請試著不加肉,效果如何暫不知道)。 本方不加黑棗無效,有人試過。

加水用泥鍋煎一小時,煎2次 (第一次煎好倒出來,再加水煎一次) 。 水的分量要滿過藥為准,一天一劑。 這是重病患者(癱瘓)的用量。輕者用量減半。也可以2天一劑。

廣東省梅州市丰順縣紫竹林精舍,由一出家師父來訪時留下。此方在精舍附近治好 的人有几十個,無一复發,效果神奇。

"Recently, one of my childhood friends emailed me a Chinese prescription to heal Diabetes. His wife got it during a May visit to her home village in China. She prepared two dosages for him according to the prescription three weeks ago. My friend drank both in one day. He tested himself the following week and the blood sugar number decreased to a much lower number. He wrote me that he is going to drink the soup again in another week because his has a bad case of Diabetes. He said the herbs listed are very inexpensive and easy to get. He specified the soup must be cook in a clay pot. A few of my other friends drank the concussion this week and I'm waiting for their update.

To this day, I understand there's no cure for Diabetes according to the American Medical Community. Hand it to the Chinese, maybe they found a way to take care of this health issue. When I was at the herbal store, the druggist told me there is a run on those herbs lately.

I'm sending out the original formula in Chinese to everyone with or without Diabetes. Get someone to translate for you if you want to try. My Diabetes is currently under control now so I'm not in a hurry to drink that soup. I will act in a few week when the news is favorable. Guys, please share the formula. Print out the attachment and keep it for future reference. And good luck and good health to you. "

[Translation of the recipe]

Dried lotus seeds - 1 Chinese tael (Approximately 38 gm)
Dried Gorgan fruit -1 Chinese tael (Approximately 38 gm)
Dried pomegranate peels - 1 Chinese tael (Approximately 38 gm)
Large black dates - 5 pieces
Lean pork meat - 2 Chinese taels (Approximately 76 gm)

Put all material in a clay pot, add water just cover to the top of the ingredients. Cook 1 hour. Empty out the water. Then add water as before to cook for an hour.

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