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  9。風濕關節炎 (Arthritis)
風濕症並不是老年人的專利﹐二十來歲的人也會發病。此病多發生於二十至五十歲的 女性。在今天的醫學上﹐病因尚未明確。有說是因為免疫功能欠佳所至。 鍼灸醫學的觀點認為患者多半可能是內分泌失調或是心、肝、腎異於平常。所以治 風濕關節炎主要是針對各井穴(少商、商陽、 中衝、關衝、少衝、少澤)﹐ 虎金寸和陽池 (見上圖)。目的是刺激穴道以調整賀爾蒙、促進血液循環。

There are six points on the finger tips (see diagram 1 through 6) called "well points". They represent the beginning of each of the six hand meridians. Acupressure of these can help in curing (or help to prevent) arthritis. Together with two additional points (7 & 8), will yield better results. The reason behind is that frequent pressure on these point can stimulate hormones and enhance flow of blood and chi.