
克隆氏病是一種慢性腸炎。它是一種特殊類型的炎症性腸病(IBD)。 什麼原因導致克隆氏症目前醫學界尚未知。一般認為是免疫 系統有異常反應令細菌在腸道內“橫行霸道”。

患者經常會出現腹痛、腸腔潰爛,嚴重影響消化系統運作,病人因不能吸收,所以 極消瘦,甚至營養不良。有些人可能有腹瀉 10至20次。 有些人無故突然消瘦體重下降。有些人也可能在一段長時間只有輕微症狀或無任何 症狀。感染,荷爾蒙改變,吸煙,壓力可能會導致你的症狀突發。特別警訊包括身 體虛弱,脈搏時快時弱,嚴重腹痛,發熱﹐發冷發抖,反覆嘔吐等等。

此病很難醫治,不會斷尾,現時要依靠服食類固醇及抗排斥藥來控制病情,但部分 人病情反覆,除服藥外,要接受切除腸道外科手術。近年有新藥控制此病,但價錢 昂貴,一年針藥需約八多萬港元。



It is a particular type of IBD or Inflammatory Bowel Disease. What causes Crohn's disease is unknown. The general believe is the immune system has an abnormal response to bacteria in the intestine. Other kinds of bacteria and viruses may also play a role in causing the disease. The disease can run in families. Your chances of getting it are higher if a close family member has it. Smoking also puts you at a higher risk for the disease.

The main symptoms of Crohn's disease are belly pain and diarrhea (sometimes with blood). Some people may have diarrhea up to 20 times a day. Losing weight without trying is another common symptom. Infections, hormonal changes, smoking, and stress can cause the symptoms to flare up. Some may have only mild symptoms or go for long periods of time without any symptoms. Warning signs are feeling faint, fast and weak pulse, severe belly pain, fever or shaking chills, vomiting repeatly.

There is currently no non-surgical cure for Crohn's or colitis. The medications used for treatment are extremely costly and pain horrific.

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