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1 熟甘薯  Sweet potato (cooked) 98.70%
2 生甘薯  Sweet potato (raw) 94.40%
3 蘆筍  Asparagus 93.70%
4 花椰菜  Broccoli 92.80%
5 捲心菜  Cabbage 91.40%
6 菜花  Cauliflower 90.80%
7 歐芹  Parsley 83.70%
8 茄子皮  Eggplant 74.00%
9 甜椒  Pepper 55.50%
10 胡蘿蔔 Carrot 46.50%
11 金花菜 Golden cauliflower 37.60%
12 苤藍  Kohlrabi 34.70%
13 薺菜 Capsella 32.40%
14 芥菜 Mustard 32.40%
15 雪裏紅 Xue Lihong 29.80%
16 番茄 Tomato 23.80%
17 大蔥 Onion 16.30%
18 大蒜 Garlic 15.90%
19 黃瓜 Cucumber 14.30%
20 大白菜 Bok Choy (Chinese Cabbage) 7.40%

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The Best Anti-cancer Vegetables
(Translation; names may not be extract)
Scientists in R & D continue making breakthroughs on vegetables' anti-cancer ability. New results of the experiments and analysis using more than 40 kinds of vegetables to test their effectness on cancer inhibitory reveal the top 20 for reference:   (see table on the left)

This scientific analysis gives sweet potato (cooked or raw) the top ranking among all vegetables in terms of its anti-cancer effect, even higher than ginseng. Tomato contains lycopene, an antioxidant, that can inhibit certain cancer-causing radicals. Spinach, celery and other dark green vegetables are rich in antioxidants, and the darker its color, the better its anti-cancer effect. Onions, garlic and other pungent vegetables contain a large number of chemical substances that can inhibit growth of cancer cells.

Anti-cancer Friuts     ¤­¤j¨¾Àù¤ôªG
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