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Shirley Bassey

Marilyn Palmer
(1960's Hong Kong)
Kiss Me Honey, Kiss Me (Marilyn Palmer)

[Kiss me, honey, honey, kiss me
Thrill me, honey, honey, thrill me
Don't care even if I blow my top;
But, honey, honey, don't stop]

I'd like to play a little game with you
A little game especially made for two
If you come close I will show you how
Closer, closer, now
We've never played this little game before
If you relax then you'll enjoy it more
Just settle down and let me teach you how
Closer, closer, now
You kiss so well my lips begin to burn
And I can tell I've got a lot to learn
So hold me close and darling show me how
Closer, closer, now
[Repeat] But honey honey don't stop