(1) 雙手在小腹前﹐掌心向上,十指交叉相接。(吸氣)
(2) 兩掌慢慢上提經胸口至臉部﹐翻掌(掌心向上),上托至頭頂上,手臂伸直,手
(3) 兩眼平視﹐然後兩手分開﹐手臂自然向兩邊松垂下來,同時全身放松,自然松
(1) 立正﹐左腳橫跨一大步, 兩掌上提交叉至胸部(左前右後)﹐然後手握成空拳。
(2) 手臂抬平﹔ 左手作八字掌,右手持豎拳。(吸氣)
(3) 左手向左推出伸直,眼看食指尖;右手拉至右胸側,同時蹲馬步。(閉氣)
(4) 微轉身向右﹐右拳變掌﹐左腳收回同時並步站立起。(吐氣)
(5) 右腳橫跨一大步﹐兩掌上提交叉至胸部(右前左後)﹐然後手握成空拳。(吸氣
(6) 手臂抬平﹔ 右手作八字掌,左手握持豎拳。(吸氣)
(7) 右手向右推出伸直,眼看食指尖;左手拉至左胸側,同時蹲馬步。(閉氣)
(8) 微轉身向左﹐左拳變掌﹐右腳收回同時並步站立起來(吐氣)
(1) (2) (3) (4) 為馬步開弓射左(5) (6) (7) (8) 為馬步開弓射右﹐
1) 自然站立﹐兩腳分開與肩同寬。(吸氣)
2) 兩手前伸,掌心朝上,上提至與胸同高。(吸氣)
3) 兩手翻轉使左掌心向上,右掌心向下,做陰陽掌動作。(吸氣)
4) 左掌上提至頭頂上,成托天姿勢,抬頭注視左掌;右掌下按至腰旁地。(吐氣)
5) 左手臂伸直,由左外側慢慢放下,頭回正雙掌下垂放鬆。(吐氣)
6) 回復預備姿勢。(吸氣)
重複動作:(2) (3) (4) (5)項左右手相互更換外,全程依此左右手之順序反覆
1) 自然站立﹐兩腳分開与肩同寬。。(吸氣)
2) 兩手前伸,掌心向下,手臂伸直慢慢上提。(吸氣)
3) 兩手上提,至與腰同高。(吐氣)
4) 雙掌翻轉,掌心向上。(吐氣)
5) 兩手慢慢反向外旋,同時頭慢慢轉向左側﹐眼睛盡力看左後腳跟。(吐氣)
6) 兩手慢慢回復向內﹐向下放至身體兩側做按地姿勢,同時頭回轉向前。
1) 左腳橫跨一大步,兩手上托。(吸氣)
2) 蹲馬步,身體坐正,雙手下按虎口向內,掌心向下放在膝蓋上方約15公分
3) 先做右側弓步﹐右重心移至右腳,左腳伸直,眼看右前方。(吐氣)
4) 然後彎腰,搖頭向下﹐眼看右腳尖。(吐氣)
5) 再將上身重心﹐移至兩腳中央,體重平均落在兩腳掌上。(吸氣)
6) 搖頭左移﹐然後身體坐正,眼睛向前看。(吐氣)
3) 做左側弓步﹐重心移至左腳,右腳伸直,眼左看前方。(吐氣)
4) 然後彎腰,搖頭向下﹐眼看左腳尖。(吐氣)
5) 再將上身重心﹐移至兩腳中央,體重平均落在兩腳掌上。(吸氣)
6) 搖頭右移﹐然後身體坐正,眼睛向前看。(吐氣)
重複演練 (3 -6) 之動作「左、右」互換。全程依此左、右腳之順序反覆各做三輪
1) 預備姿勢:自然站立。(吸氣)
2) 兩手伸直上舉至頭頂上﹐身體向上伸,頭微向後仰。(吐氣)
3) 兩手在身體前下按至胸前鎖骨,反掌掌心朝上﹐雙手沿兩腋下往後行﹐
4) 彎腰,兩手經坐骨下﹐再沿兩腿外側落﹐兩手儘量伸至腳尖,然後抬頭眼
5) 雙掌向前帶引上身慢慢上移起身。兩手伸直上舉至頭頂上﹐身體向上伸,
1) 預備姿勢:左腳向左橫跨一大步蹲馬步,兩手輕輕收藏母指握拳。拳心
2) 左拳向前推出,拳心旋轉成豎拳(日字拳),同時怒目看左拳,右拳微向後
拉。 (吐氣)
3) 拳變掌﹐反掌外向﹐旋腕(擒拿手)再輕輕收藏母指握拳
4) 收回左拳雙拳置於兩側腰際 (吐氣)
重複 (2 - 4)改用右拳推出外,其餘均與前述同。全程依左右拳順序推出
1) 預備姿勢:腳跟腳尖併攏。(吸氣)
2) 提起腳跟,兩手掌向下垂,暫停呼吸憋氣、收縮肛門,全身緊繃,稍停留。
3) 全身力量放鬆、腳掌用力跺地、膝蓋微彎﹐同時由口中快速吐氣﹐臼齒。
4) 依次序(1)-(3)順序反覆七次。後回復自然站立姿勢。
收 式 -
1) 預備姿勢:自然站立。(吸氣)
2) 兩手伸直由兩側上舉平肩,掌心朝上,再上提至頭頂上方,手腕交叉掌心
3) 兩手保持交疊,由前面放下到小腹前。 最後回復自然站立姿勢。全身放鬆﹐
Move Description:
Open left leg to stand in shoulder width, bending knees slightly.
Take a few deep and slow breaths. Relax both mentally and physically. Open
arms to put palms facing the lower abdomen.
1 - Hold the Heaven with Two Hands
Spread your feet so they are two shoulder widths apart and facing forward.
Bend knees slightly. With your hands resting at your sides, slowly raise
your hands in front of your body with palms facing upward while inhaling.
When your palms pass in front of your face, twist the palms and press upward.
Look up and hold breath briefly, then look straight. Continue the posture
by changing the direction and bring your hands down to your sides while
exhaling. Repeat movement 6 - 8 times.
2 - Draw the Bow Left and Right
Spread your feet by moving the left leg so they are two shoulder width apart
and facing forward. Lift your hands and cross them in front of your chest.
With your left arm, slowly extend it out to the left with the index finger
and thumb up and the others bent. While the left arm is moving, make a fist
with your right hand, bend at the elbow and pull back like shooting an arrow.
Bend your knees as if riding a horse (horse stance) and turn the head to
gaze through the index finger of the extended hand. Bring your hands back
and feet together. Repeat in the opposite direction for a total of 6 or
8 times. Keep your weight centered at all times.
3 - Lift One Hand While Pressing The Other
Stand with feet approximately shoulder width apart, arms relaxed at your
side. Lift your hands to the stomach with palms facing upward while inhaling.
Separate your hands with your right hand pushing down and your left hand
pressing upward. Now reverse your hands by bringing the right up to the
chest and the left hand down to the chest. Once at the chest reverse the
direction of your palms and push your left hand down and your right hand
up. Repeat movement for a total of 6 or 8 times.
4 - Turn Head To Gaze Backward
With your feet a shoulder width apart, look straight in front of you and
relax. Raise and turn your hands facing outward. (i.e., right hand clockwise
and left hand counter-clockwise) and simultaneously turn your head to look
back by moving neck only. Keeping your body straight, Inhale while moving
your arms and neck. Turn back to face front and lower your hands while exhaling.
Repeat the movement on the opposite side for a total of 6 or 8 times.
5 - Swing Head To Twist The Back Side to Side
With your feet parallel and 2 shoulder widths apart, bend forward at the
waist and let your arms hand down loosely. This movement should be done
in a relaxed posture. First lean to your right while lowering your left
shoulder. Then start to swing your head bending in front from right to
then bring back to the center in a circlular movement and look straight.
Repeat on the opposite side for a total of 6 or 8 times.
6 - Bend Down To Touch Feet
Stand relaxed with feet shoulder width apart. Lift your arms up and lean
back while inhaling. Then bend forward and grasp your toes with your hands
while keeping your legs straight and exhaling.
7 - Punch Fist With Glaring Eyes
With your feet parallel and 2 shoulder widths apart, squat down with your
fists clenched loosely, move them next to your waist with the back of the
hands facing down. Inhale, then while exhaling, slowly extend the right
arm outward, punching directly in front of your throat. During the extending
of the arm, turn the fist so that the back of the hand faces upward, teeth
clenched and eyes wide open. Withdraw the hand while twisting it back and
to the side of the waist and relax the face. Repeat using the left arm.
You should grip the ground firmly with your feet during this posture. Do
not protrude the buttocks and pull in the lower back.
8 - Lift And Jolt Heels
Stand still and lift your heels while raising your body and inhaling. Drop
the heels suddenly to give your body a little jolt and exhale quickly with
the upper and lower jaws close tight. The head should be kept erect and
the upper body straight to prevent shock to the cervical vertebrae.
Stand with 2 legs in shoulder width, bending knees slightly.
arms to put palms (rigt over left) to cover the naval area.
Take a few deep and slow breaths. Relax and rest.