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八段錦是中國優秀傳統的保健功法。它是中華民族自古相傳至今的一種健康運動,由 八種如錦緞般優美、柔順的動作組成,更是國術精華之集錦,對強健體魄、提升工 作效率、延緩老化過程甚有助益,是每天作業前或休息時調理身心、活化氣血的最 佳體操。練八段錦必須要有毅力和恆心,不可一暴十寒,否則功效必大打折扣。每 段錦的功能和要領都濃縮成七字,作為該段錦之名稱,簡單易記。 八段錦有預防疾病的功效,因為八段錦是調理氣血、暢通經脈、靈活筋骨的運動,若 能天天有規律地演練,即能促進血液循環、舒暢胸懷、清醒頭腦,確是預防百病、 延年益壽的最佳方法。
he eight brocade qigong is an ancient Chinese exercise that takes 10 to
20 minutes. The exercise was designed to promote health and longivity. It
is an excellent addition to your daily practise. Each of the 8 movements
are related to the qi meridian and its associated internal organ. Because
the exercises are so old you'll find them under many names and various interpretation.